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The Connection Between The Builder

13 november, 2020 - 2:10 Inga kommentarer

The witness further told the court that after the collapse of the building, he was called at the spot in April 2013, and was surprised to notice that again with the help of illegal electric meters, electricity had been restored to these buildings. He stated that around 20 days prior to the incident, he had found two illegally constructed buildings upon raiding the said compound. Hence, he filed another complaint against the builder.According to the witness, the raiding party found that despite one building being partially constructed, both buildings had already been occupied, and the builder was providing them electricity through an electric meter issued in the name of one Choudhari.

The witness further told the court that during the raid, the electric meter was disconnected and they imposed a fine [...]

Concluded A Memorandum Of Understanding

12 november, 2020 - 3:43 Inga kommentarer

In February this year, the two companies had announced exploration of a business partnership after which they began discussing, among other topics, the dissemination of vehicle electrification technologies in India."Such activities electric cargo bikes factory encompass the establishment of charging stations, human resources development that includes training for after-service technicians employed throughout sales networks, and systems for the appropriate treatment of end-of-life batteries," it said.

As per the agreement, in addition to lithium-ion batteries, electric motors and other major components would be locally procured for production of EVs in India.Suzuki has already announced that it intends to construct a lithium-ion battery plant along with its partners in Gujarat, where it currently operates a manufacturing plant supplying automobiles exclusively to its Indian arm Maruti Suzuki.The two companies said in a joint [...]